Golf Therapy for Performance 

“I don’t believe that there is one perfect way to swing a club. I believe that each individual has a unique swing based on how a they move. It’s my mission to help you move better so that you can find your personal PEAK performance capability.

You might not know what you’re capable of on the green, but I do.”

-Jen Romero.

Play WELL into your future.

 My mission is to help athletes perform better on a functional level so they can continue to play their best game, pain free, for years to come.

Deliver Your Power Stroke

Increasing your performance with a functional screening and golf-specific therapy program that adds rotational flexibility for greater range of motion to deliver powerful results on the green and help prevent injury.

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Titleist Body-Swing Connection™

Finding your Power Stroke begins with a golf specific fitness screening that quickly identifies a player's physical readiness using the Titleist Performance Institutes Body-Swing Connection™ model. Assessment results are corelated to the player’s swing characteristics and level of strength, power, agility and endurance needed to produce dramatic performance improvements.

The Power Stroke Process

Effective golf-specific therapy programs are developed to improve impaired movement patterns identified in the screen and physical assessment. With a dynamic approach that can include manual manipulation and functional movement principles, we’ll move through a series of movement progressions building upon the base foundation of mobility and stability, strength and power.

Power Stroke Results

Power Stroke program benefits go much farther then increasing your range of motion, power, drive and game results. Participants will benefit from the functional movement and sports therapeutic approach to increase blood flow and circulation, postural realignment, and stress reduction to promote general neuromuscular health for overall wellness and longevity. We’ll even go over proper nutrition including information on blood sugar control, supplementation, and macronutrients along with nutritional guidelines for pre-round, in-round and post-round recovery.


For an in-depth understanding of how PEAK Movement Therapy can help you improve your swing, click learn more below.

*Body-Swing Connection™ is a licensed trademark of the Titleist Corporation


Golf Performance

With nearly 28 million golfers in the U.S., golf injuries are a common occurrence. The most commonly injured body parts for golfers are the hand, wrist, elbow, shoulder and low back.

Therapy for injury prevention and recovery should be a regular practice to ensure longevity in the game. Because, after all, why wouldn’t you want to play outside in our beautiful mountains well into your golden years?

PEAK Movement services are mobile in Greaegle, Nakoma, Quincy, Portola and other surrounding areas.

Session Cost: $120 each hour

*2 hour minimum for initial visit

Call to book an appointment



Need a little more information?

Schedule a FREE no-obligation consultation to see how Jen can help.